What is a Doula?
A doula is a pregnancy and birth professional who supports families during the childbearing years, and through various transitions in the lives of women and birthing people.
A doula provides mental, emotional, and physical support to birthing people during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, especially providing advocacy, resources, and education.
I offer full circle doula services from early pregnancy through 3 to 6 months postpartum. Incorporating traditional African American birth practices, I utilize herbs and other natural holistic remedies to support families, including cannabis therapeutics.
I also support families using hypnosis during childbirth, families who aren't using cannabis, as well as medical cannabis patients, first time parents, young parents, families birthing at home, birth centers, and hospitals, parents interested in achieving a medicated and unmedicated birth.

Holistic Doula Services
Personalized holistic support during pregnancy through postpartum,
​learn comfort measures, evidence-based research, and natural remedies for common pregnancy discomforts, tips
for supporting the birthing process including
support with planning for
a blissful birth centering
your mind, body, and spirit using African American birthing and postpartum traditions.
Three Steps to Receiving
Doula Support:
Reserve your due date (EDD).
Schedule your first prenatal session, and begin receiving care!
Virtual Doula Services
Virtual doula packages are ideal for expectant parents who live outside of the DMV area and are interested in receiving support, families who may have a limited number of people in the hospital during their birth but still need doula support, as well as families who are considering their options for giving birth at home/unassisted but would like virtual contact with a doula for education and support.
Virtual packages serve as an a less expensive alternative to in-person doula support and can be gifted in your birth registry through HerVillage. Virtual packages can be customized to include additional in-person support for local families who prefer both virtual and in-person options.
Virtual Holistic Doula Packages & Pricing:
The Empress - $500
The Birth Goddess - $750
The Queen Mother - $950
The Cannabis Doula® Virtual Birth Support Package - $ 1300-$1800
Birthing parents are encouraged to select the best option for their family and budget.
All packages can be customized to meet your unique needs.
The Cannabis Doula® Virtual Birth Support Package is ideal for registered medical cannabis patients, in any state with a medical cannabis program, who are interested in utilizing cannabis during pregnancy, birth, or postpartum.
During virtual sessions you'll receive resources for choosing the right care provider, place to give birth, support for birthing at home, and comfort measures to support you during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum up to six months.
You may be located anywhere to take advantage of virtual services!
1. Schedule
Initial Consultation
​The first step in receiving doula support is booking your initial consultation.
During our 30-60min virtual session, we will discuss your birth plans, pregnancy history, address any questions or concerns, learn about full circle doula support and packages, discuss payment, and contract information. This is a time for us to make sure our birth philosophies and visions align in order to provide the best support for you and your family.
2. reserve your
due date
Following your initial doula consultation, you will receive your care contract outlining the details of the doula packages and services, release form, and letter of agreement for you to sign and return via email to info@thecannabisdoula.com.
Upon signing your contract, you will submit your initial deposit to reserve your due date and begin your prenatal sessions.
Your contract will be signed by your doula and returned to you.
3. receive
care& support
The best time to hire a doula is as soon as you find our your are pregnant!
I like to begin working with parents at 12-15 weeks of pregnancy. We will meet from 1 to 3 times during pregnancy (or up to 7 times) to prepare you for birth and postpartum.
Think of pregnancy as 9 months of preparation for childbirth. Clients are expected to work hard with the doula to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for their birth. Hiring a doula does not absolve families of their responsibility to effectively prepare for birth and are encouraged to dedicate daily routines toward supporting a healthy birth experience.
Prenatal sessions are 2 hours each, preferable held during each trimester of pregnancy. Birth partners, parents, children, and family members are welcome to join.
Full Circle Virtual Doula Packages

The Empress
1 virtual prenatal session
(2 hours on the phone or Zoom)
discuss your birth preferences, holistic and traditional comfort measures for pregnancy,
and birth + postpartum preferences planning that will support you
in having an empowered, blissful experience.
1 virtual postpartum session to debrief your birth experience, receive support with newborn care, breastfeeding resources, and tips for traditional postpartum care.

The Birth Goddess
2 virtual prenatal sessions
(2 hours on phone and Zoom) on Nutrition/Exercise, Birth/Postpartum planning, Comfort Measures and Relaxation Techniques for homeostasis of mind-body-spirit
On-call support by phone and/or video during your birth for up to 12 hours of continuous support;
1-2 virtual postpartum sessions (1 hour) to debrief your birth experience, receive virtual support with newborn care, sleep, breastfeeding positions and/or feeding, Birth Goddess Package includes birth ball or yoga mat, downloadable birth and educational resources.

The Queen Mother
3 virtual prenatal session
(2 hours on phone and Zoom) on Nutrition/Exercise, Birth/Postpartum planning, comfort measures and relaxation techniques for homeostasis of mind-body-spirit; Prenatal Yoga and sound healing session
Continuous unlimited support by phone and/or video throughout your birth; Text support throughout pregnancy and postpartum
3 virtual postpartum sessions (1 hour) to debrief your birth experience, receive virtual support with newborn care, sleep, breastfeeding positions and feeding, traditional postpartum healing practices including belly binding, meal prep /pp recipes, baby carrying, and more.
Premium package includes birth ball, waistbands, African cloth, herbal remedies, Happy Brown Baby tee & onsie, downloadable resources and childbirth education.
The Cannabis Doula® Premium Virtual Birth Support Package
Our most preferred package
This premium full circle doula package is reserved for medical cannabis patients and birthing families in states where medical cannabis is legal.
3 virtual prenatal sessions (2 hours on phone and Zoom) on Nutrition/Exercise, Birth/Postpartum planning, comfort measures and relaxation techniques for endocannabinoid wellness. Includes engagement with care provider, if necessary.
On-call continuous support by phone and/or video support during your birth; Text support before, during, and after your birth;
3 virtual postpartum sessions (1 hour) to debrief your birth experience, receive virtual support with newborn care, sleep, breastfeeding support, postpartum healing remedies
Plus personalized virtual support in your cannabis consumption:
Receive a full Cannabis Doula Care Consultation + Individualized Cannabis Doula Care Plan
Support talking to care providers/family about cannabis medicine
Support creating a Cannabis Birth Plan
Guidance and support securing safe access to cannabis in your state; Guidance navigating laws/birth rights
Educational support on cannabis and family wellness, referrals, resources, and care.
Receive The Cannabis Doula Care Package includes personally selected CBD goodies to support pregnancy or postpartum, and The Cannabis Diary.
Additional Options Include
Access to the Holistic Cannabis Consumption: Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Postpartum online course
Shatter the Stigma Tee
Options for monthly prenatal sessions (up to 7) available and postpartum support and parenting sessions, up to 6 months postpartum

In-Person Doula Services
available in Washington, DC
For families located in the DMV area, in-person doula packages are available and range from $1800 to $3000.
Book you initial consultation for full details.
Ask about Travel Doula Services, receive in-person support in Chicago, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, and information about
receiving the cost of doula care as a baby shower gift, through HerVillage